View Speakers | The Police Recruitment and Retention Summit | A FRA Conference

Speaker Alumni

Each year, The Police Recruitment & Retention Summit brings a top-notch speaking faculty of law enforcement experts and motivational speakers from across the nation to share fresh perspectives and critical insights into the future of policing in the United States. 

Vereen Barton.jpg
Sam Blonder.jpeg
Mike Boward.JPG
Ettice Brickus.png
Yasmin Brown.jpg
Castonguay, Drew.jpeg
Cleary, Marteen.jpg
Crawford, Michael.jpeg
Ford, Mike.png
Rachel Frizzell.jpg
Marvin Ben Haiman.jpg
Hanson, Lilika.jpg
Hedges, Shannon.jpg
Johnson, Patrick.png
Khan, Sabih.png
Lewis, Ryan.jpg
Patrick Loftus.jpg
Todd Mickelsen.png
Shandra Mutchie.jpg
Nadeau, Brad.jpg
Tevaga, Marvin.PNG
Vellis, Nick.jpg
Kristen Wright.jpg